Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Homemade Laundry Soap: Learning Something New Everyday

While trying to find ways to save money you come across a lot of "fads". One of the trending things nowadays is homemade soaps. I had seen them and not really thought about it, then My aunt was telling me about her homemade laundry soap. I saw and smelled her clothes and thought why not I'll give it a try.

The process is fairly simple and the result is clean and fresh smelling clothing. For about $8.18 you can make enough laundry soap for 200+ loads of laundry.

What you need is:
for about 54 loads of laundry)

1 Cup of Broax  detergent booster (1 box was $3.97 at Walmart and can make at least 6 of this recipe)
1 Cup of Washing Soda (the most popular brand being Arm&Hammer which was $3.24 at Walmart and can make at least 6 of this recipe)
5oz bar soap (shredded or very thinly shaved, $0.97 at Walmart and can make about 3 of this recipie)

Really the above items are all you need to make it; however my hubby likes a little more kick
in the scent department so I sprung for the Downy Unstoppable in wash scent boosters. The scent booster was the most expensive item in the recipe and can easily be left out without changing the effectiveness of the soap. It came in at a whopping $5.97, bringing the total for all the ingredients to make 200+ loads of detergent with scent booster only $14.15. Again the Scent booster is totally optional and the detergent will still smell great with out it.  

To start mix the powder ingredients together in a sealable container.

For the 1 cup recipe use 1/3 of the 14oz soap bar (To use the whole bar just use 3 cups of both powder ingredients instead of 1) Use a grater or knife to thinly sliver the bar soap.


 Mix all 3 ingredients together in your container and if desired add about one capful of Downy scent booster for each cup made. (One cup recipe=one cap 3cup recipe=three caps)


You only need to use about one tablespoon of soap per load to these items can last you a while!

The 3 cup recipe uses the whole 14oz bar of soap, 3 cups of borax, and 3 cups washing soda and makes the following amount.

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